Isn’t art fascinating! It will always mean different things to different people. The new exhibition at The Mac is the latest in a long line of outstanding and inspiring exhibitions since the building opened 10 years ago.
These masterpieces by Ron Mueck will amaze you and each one will stir up a different feeling for you. The Dead Dad for sure triggered me a little (it’s still too recent!), the monumental In Bed (which just about squeezed into the building) may well leave you wondering what she’s thinking, the Woman with Shopping will just want you to help her as she looks exhausted carting a baby tucked into her coat and two bags of shopping.
I seemed to be drawn to the woman shopping, I ended up drawing her on one of the pads made available in the common room.
All an artist can wish for is that something they created will resonate with their audience, to create an emotion of some kind. This first Ron Mueck exhibition on the island of Ireland will do just that. Whether it’s admiration of the attention to detail, the sheer sizes of the pieces, or you might empathise with what you believe might be their story, mums might recall the day they gave birth, you might think of a dead dad, or wonder what that story is of the young guy with the knife wound, or what’s the story behind the lady in the bed or the lady carrying the shopping and baby. You’ll create a story for each of them based on your own life experience.
Fascinating and enthralling.
Open until 20th November.