Life of Pi is a multi award winning theatre production currently touring the UK and is no doubt wowing audiences across the country like it did us in Belfast this week.
This spellbinding show has won 5 Olivier Awards in 2022 and secured 3 wins at the 2023 Tony Awards for:
- Best Scenic Design of a Play (Tim Hatley & Andrzej Goulding)
- Best Lighting Design of a Play (Tim Lutkin)
- Best Sound Design of a Play (Carolyn Downing).
It’s of the best non musical productions we’ve ever seen in The Grand Opera House, Belfast; an awesome tale of courage and endurance as Pi is stranded at sea with a Bengal Tiger.
The show is visually spectacular as it switches between a clinical hospital setting to an abundance of colour in seconds.
The animal puppets on stage are a sight to see. The puppeteers fade into the back of your mind as you focus on the animals coming and going across the stage in a blaze of colour and motion. It’s definitely spellbinding. You can sense the danger for Pi as he is lost at sea in a boat with very hungry and dangerous animals.
This is one of those nights at the theatre I’ll remember for a long time for its non traditional story but mostly for the lighting, sound, set and puppetry . Just wow!
Grand Opera House from Tue 20 - Sat 24 February 2024