Review: BSPA’s Youth production of Les Miserables

Review: BSPA’s Youth production of Les Miserables

BSPA’s Youth production of Les Miserables took The Mac by storm at the weekend. This youth production of an iconic musical theatre show is stunning. With Peter Corry directing a cast of extremely talented under 18’s he has shown that we need BSPA in Belfast and beyond to find, nurture and give opportunities like this to the next generation of talent.

We’ve never seen the actual Les Mis, but we know the soundtrack, we’ve watched the movie and seen performances on various TV shows over the years. After watching this production we actually don’t feel the need to go and see the real thing any more, because this was more than special. It was massively beyond anything we could’ve hoped for from a young cast.

Jack Cairns as Jean Valjean is phenomenal, Michael Nevin as Javert is mind blowing, Jackson Allen as Thernardier and Sarah McGloin as Madame Thernardier almost steal the show. I could literally go down the full cast list and praise each and every one of them, that’s how great this production is.

Rebekah Devlin as Fantine just had to start with the words I Dreamed A Dream and that was me… holding back the tears for the rest of the song; just beautiful.

The short run this weekend in The Mac sold out weeks ago, and in an ideal world it should and could be running and selling out for a month.

I did get a complimentary ticket to review this, but if BSPA revived it and toured the country I’d be more than happy to pay to see it again and again.

Get out there and support your local theatre and arts, support current and future talent, give them credit where it’s due and shout it out to the world.

By the way… how on earth are they all 18 or younger. I’m in awe. And shout out to the team of producers, costume dept, musicians, crew, sound and lighting, and set designers. Amazing job everyone.
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my bestie played Valjean was vv good he be famous one day

I could have should have got a ticket for all the shows! another run please!
David Mcclelland

Fantastic reveiw. Took my Mum to see the show on Sat , overwhelmed with the talent in N.I.
Tears shed & don’t think a West end performance could have beat this school production . Powerful.

Diane Sherlock

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